Hong Kong airport grinds to halt; China likens protest to terrorism

Hong Kong airport halted several flights on Monday august 12, blaming the demonstrators for the interruption. Meanwhile, China said that the Anti-government protests which have been sweeping the city over two weeks, have begun to show “sprouts of terrorism”.

Airport authorities have been working alongside airlines so they can resume flights as late as 6 am on Tuesday, but given the recent developments, the odds of resuming flights have decreased minute by minute.

According to legal expert’s form Hong Kong, the official descriptions of the protesters actions as proofs of terrorism could lead the government to the use of powerful anti-terrorist laws and powers against them.

Hong Kongers have responded by taking the city streets one more time, hundreds attacked a police station while singing hymns, also de returned to a metro station in which the police had hit activists with batons for protesting.

Estas manifestaciones cada vez más violentas han ido sumando territorio gobernado por China en su crisis más grave en décadas, presentando así uno de los más grandes desafíos para Xi Jinping desde que llego al poder en el 2012.

This more and more violent demonstrations have plunged the Chinese-ruled territory into its most serious crisis for decades. Presenting the biggest challenge Xi Jinping has had since he came to power on 2012.

Al lot this started as an opposition to a bill which allowed extradition to the mainland for trial in Communist-controlled courts. But as time has passed, there has been more chance to highlight other grievances, wining broader support. At the end, approximately 190 flights were affected and several airlines announce they would be canceling flights among Malaysia and Hong Kong until mid-Tuesday.



Greg Torode, Clare Jim (Reuters)

URL: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-protests/hong-kong-airport-grinds-to-halt-china-likens-protests-to-terrorism-idUSKCN1V201B


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