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Wall Street bounces on hopes of USD 2 trillion stimulus

By | International Economy

Bouncing from a three-year low on Tuesday on hopes of a major fiscal stimulus, Wall Street is looking to recover from the economic damage the coronavirus pandemic has caused.

Los tres índices más importantes de EEUU subieron más del 5% recuperándose de una caída masiva a causa de miedos recurrentes de una recesión a medida que países enteros continúan cerrando fronteras para prevenir que el virus continúe propagándose.

The S&P 500 has lost more than USD 9 trillion from its value in mid-February.

Also hopes are running high now that the U.S. Senate is looking forward to pass a USD 2 trillion stimulus bill aimed at providing financial aid to Americans out of work and help affected industries.

Also, there’s a separate proposal from Democrats in the U.S. looking to grant airlines and contractors a USD 40 billion bailout.

Industries worldwide continue to plummet as coronavirus continues to take its toll on international markets and its up to national banks to look for new ways to reactive economies as virus doesn’t look like stopping in the next few weeks.



Uday Sampath Kumar, Medha Singh (Reuters)


Ecuador Economic Indicators:

Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 107,562 (2018)

Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) -0.15 (Feb-2020)

Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 4.95 (Dic-2019)

Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.77 (Mar-2020)

Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 6.24 (Mar-2020)

Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.12 (Ene-2020)

Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 38.08 (Ene-2020)

Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,790.32 (Ene-2020)

Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 20,116,19 (24-03-20)

Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 6,063 (23-03-20)


Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)


U.S. Poised to Become Epicenter; India on Lockdown

By | International Politics

As days continue to pass, and countries continue to toughen their containment efforts with strict stay at home policy, the euro zone economy is sinking now more then aver. Plus, the fact that the U.S. could become the next hub of the outbreak as the World Health Organization (WHO) warned. Stocks rallied as Congress neared a deal on a stimulus bill.

Also, India has joined the group of countries imposing a national lockdown. This time, it will have an extent of three weeks to help contain the spread of the coronavirus infections. It has also suspended train, flight and long-distance bus services.




IMF to deliver new resources dedicated to affronting the crisis

By | Ecuador

Last Monday, march 23, the Ecuadorian government announced, through national channels, that they will stick to the 30 days grace period for not paying any interest provided by the debt to this month, but they will continue to pay the USD 325 million of capital bonds 2020.

This decision was taken in order to help the country get new financing options, therefore being able to get the USD 2,000 millions in loans through the next few weeks.

From which, USD 500 million will come from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), other USD 500 million from multilateral institutions like BID, World Bank and CAF; the rest will come in form of bilateral debt with China, un-attached to the completion of any project.


(El Comercio)


By | Indicadores Económicos

Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 108,398 (2018)

Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) 0.09 (Ju-2019)

Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 5.57 (jun-2019)

Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.74 (ago-2019)

Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 5.92 (ago-2019)

Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.10 (jun-2019)

Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 36.04 (jun-2019)

Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,626.16 (jun-2019)

Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 26,135,79 (19-08-19)

Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 737 (18-08-19)


Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)


Trump Urged Fed Cut of 100 Basis Points, Cites World Economy

By | International Economy

President Trump stepped up his assault on the Federal Reserve, urging it to cut the interests rates by a full percentage point as an aid to global growth while complaining the “dollar is so strong the it is sadly hurting other parts of the world”.

The president said “if that happened, our economy would be even better, and the World Economy would be greatly and quickly enhanced—good for everyone”.

The Fed cut rates last month for the first time in a decade and signaled it was open to doing even more amid slowing global growth and uncertainty over Trump´s trade war with China. Concern over this outlook has take its toll on financial markets sending treasury yields towards record lows, flashing recession risks.

Trump has relentlessly attacked the politically-independent central bank for raising rates in 2018, reaching the point where he began asking aides about his ability to oust the Fed chief in discussions reported by Bloomberg News in December.


Justin Blum (Bloomberg)


La líder de Hong Kong dice que el diálogo y el “respeto mutuo” ofrecen una salida del caos

By | International Politics

Carrie Lan, líder de Hong Kong anuncio este martes que espera un fin de semana pacifico con protestas anti gobierno como un esfuerzo creciente para recuperar la calma y que charlas con protestantes no violentos pueden proveer una salida para la ciudad gobernada por China

Cientos de miles de personas se reunieron en las calles este domingo, bajo una torrencial lluvia en lo que viene a ser la onceava semana de a menudo violentas protestas.

Todo este enojo comenzó en junio cuando un proyecto de ley ahora suspendido, permitiría extraditar a sospechosos criminales de la antigua colonia Británica hacia la China continental para su juicio.

Estos disturbios han sido alimentados por otras preocupaciones mas amplias en base a la erosión de libertades garantizadas en la formula “un país, dos sistemas” la cual fue establecida después del regreso de Hong Kong a China en 1997.

Estas protestas han provocado fuertes reacciones por parte de Beijing, quien acuso a países extranjeros, entre ellos Estados Unidos, de fomentar disturbios en el territorio. Así mismo, China ha enviado una advertencia clara de la posible intervención contundente, manteniendo fuerzas paramilitares realizando simulacros en la vecina Shenzhen.

Twitter Inc y Facebook Inc mencionaron este lunes que habían desmantelado una campaña de redes sociales respaldada por el estado, con el objetivo de socavar las protestas en Hong Kong.

Las protestas están afectando la economía y turismo de la ciudad, con el centro financiero asiático al borde de su primera recesión en diez años.


Noah Sin, Felix Tam (Reuters)


Ecuador announces “spot” sale with Napo crude

By | Ecuador

After five years of not realizing any crude Napo sale of 17° API, Ecuador will resume this commercialization under the spot modality.

Pablo Flores, General Manager of EP Petroecuador, announced the future export of 1´080.000 barrels, which will be delivered in the way of three cargo shipments of 360.000 barrels each. He also announced that this process will be carried out between September and October of this year, which will generate income of USD 63 million for the Ecuadorian government.

Flores also added that around fifty companies, among retailers and refineries, will be invited to participate in the bidding, to submit their offer with a differential governed by the crude marker West Texas Intermediate (WTI).

This spot modality allows to obtain a better and more optimate price for the Ecuadorian crude according to the market conditions. Ecuador will resume this spot sales las year but only with “Oriente” crude which has proven to be lighter.

Carlos Pérez, non-renewable energy and natural resources minister, signaled that through spot sales “the Government guaranties the transparency in the processes of commercialization at international level”.



(El Universo)


U.S. Stocks Retreat as Treasuries, Yen Advance: Markets Wrap

By | International Economy | 241 Comments

U.S. stocks dropped in thing trading and Treasuries rose as political unrest in Hong Kong continues to hit markets already on the edge over trade tensions. Meanwhile, Argentinian peso sank 15% after voters turned against the president on the primary vote.

The S&P 500 Index fell under 2.900 in a 11% volume under the 30-day average. This overnight session turned sour when authorities closed the Hong Kong airport, a Chinese official said the city finds itself in a “critical juncture” as of now.

The weakness on stocks fed demand for haven assets pushing the 10-year Treasury yield even lower and boosting the yen for a fourth day in a row.

This Mondays reversals provided another reminder of the fragility of the markets as well as the beginning of a tumultuous august. Gains for the safest Government bonds show lingering caution among traders who have increased their bets for central bank easing in recent weeks. As the U.S. and China continue to escalate their trade war and a slew of global data point to a slower growth.


Sarah Ponczek, Olivia Rinaldi (Bloomberg)


Ecuador Economic Indicators:

Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 108,398 (2018)

Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) 0.09 (Ju-2019)

Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 5.57 (jun-2019)

Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.74 (ago-2019)

Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 5.92 (ago-2019)

Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.04 (mayo-2019)

Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 35.85 (may-2019)

Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,626.16 (jun-2019)

Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 26,287.44 (11-08-19)

Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 706 (07-08-19)

Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)


Indicadores Económicos Ecuador

By | Ecuador

Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 108,398 (2018)

Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) 0.09 (Ju-2019)

Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 5.57 (jun-2019)

Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.74 (ago-2019)

Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 5.92 (ago-2019)

Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.10 (jun-2019)

Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 36.04 (jun-2019)

Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,626.16 (jun-2019)

Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 25,479.42 (14-08-19)

Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 725 (14-08-19)

Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)


Wall Street rises after strong retail sales data, Walmart earnings

By | International Economy

U.S. stocks rose in choppy trading this Thursday, as strong July retail sales show and Walmart´s upbeat results helped ease some fear about U.S. economy slipping into recession.

Cisco Systems Inc. dropped 6.2% becoming the biggest drag of all three major indexes, after the Dow component blamed the U.S.-China trade ware for poor performance this quarter.

This bounce on Wall Street comes a day after the blue-chip Dow index posted its worst day this year as recession fears gripped the market just after the inversion of the U.S. treasury yield curve for the first time in 12 years.

Considering that the Commerce Department said that retail sales rose 0.7% in July, this shows that the weakest economic data people keep pointing out is coming from outside the U.S., said Randy Frederick, vice president of trading and derivatives for Charles Swab in Austin.

China´s finance ministry said it would retaliate to the latest U.S. tariffs, however a spokeswoman for the ministry said later, “we hope the U.S. will meet China halfway, and implement the consensus of the two of the two countries in Osaka”.


Amy Caren Daniel (Reuters)


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