

IMF to deliver new resources dedicated to affronting the crisis

By | Ecuador

Last Monday, march 23, the Ecuadorian government announced, through national channels, that they will stick to the 30 days grace period for not paying any interest provided by the debt to this month, but they will continue to pay the USD 325 million of capital bonds 2020.

This decision was taken in order to help the country get new financing options, therefore being able to get the USD 2,000 millions in loans through the next few weeks.

From which, USD 500 million will come from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), other USD 500 million from multilateral institutions like BID, World Bank and CAF; the rest will come in form of bilateral debt with China, un-attached to the completion of any project.


(El Comercio)


Ecuador announces “spot” sale with Napo crude

By | Ecuador

After five years of not realizing any crude Napo sale of 17° API, Ecuador will resume this commercialization under the spot modality.

Pablo Flores, General Manager of EP Petroecuador, announced the future export of 1´080.000 barrels, which will be delivered in the way of three cargo shipments of 360.000 barrels each. He also announced that this process will be carried out between September and October of this year, which will generate income of USD 63 million for the Ecuadorian government.

Flores also added that around fifty companies, among retailers and refineries, will be invited to participate in the bidding, to submit their offer with a differential governed by the crude marker West Texas Intermediate (WTI).

This spot modality allows to obtain a better and more optimate price for the Ecuadorian crude according to the market conditions. Ecuador will resume this spot sales las year but only with “Oriente” crude which has proven to be lighter.

Carlos Pérez, non-renewable energy and natural resources minister, signaled that through spot sales “the Government guaranties the transparency in the processes of commercialization at international level”.



(El Universo)


Indicadores Económicos Ecuador

By | Ecuador

Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 108,398 (2018)

Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) 0.09 (Ju-2019)

Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 5.57 (jun-2019)

Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.74 (ago-2019)

Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 5.92 (ago-2019)

Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.10 (jun-2019)

Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 36.04 (jun-2019)

Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,626.16 (jun-2019)

Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 25,479.42 (14-08-19)

Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 725 (14-08-19)

Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)


José Valencia: “Regularization will cost over USD 4 million”

By | Ecuador

During an interview realized to José Valencia, minister of Exterior Relations and Human Mobility since June last year, mentioned relevant information regarding the cost the Government will be incurring due to the increment of migratory flux of Venezuelan citizens on the last few months.

For example, starting august 26, Venezuelan citizens will be required a humanitarian Visa when entering Ecuadorian territory, the same that will be delivered through the Exterior Relations Minister web page, the same that will be operating as a virtual consulate. This process will be realized purely on the

internet, and when the requirements are fulfilled, there will be a one and only payment of USD 50 dollars and if necessary, a further interview will be required.

Several other questions where made regarding what type of visa will the Venezuelan citizens will require when entering Ecuadorian territory, which in this case will be either the humanitarian visa or tourist visa.

Another important question was the one related with the regularization of the Venezuelan citizens that are already residing in Ecuador. José Valencia answered they are currently working alongside the Government Minister. Also, there is a census due, determined in the Decree 826. Within this process there will be several basic questions which will facilitate the identification of Venezuelan citizens, as well as their necessities. Also, he confirmed that the census will be realized alongside the emission of humanitarian visa of short stay, which is scheduled this October 26. Finally, the cost of the whole process will be around USD 4.5 million, depending on how many people present themselves.



Andrés García (El Comercio)


Adjustment in salary expenditure, lighter this year in IMF plan

By | Ecuador | 30,904 Comments

Starting Monday august 12, a technical team from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), commanded by Anna Inanova, will find its way around the country to realize the second revision of the trimestral goals which the Ecuadorian government must comply in order to receive the money as part of the accord made on march last year.
Within this agreement, subjects such as monetary, fiscals and performance issues are discussed. The fulfillment of this objective is essential for the third disbursement for USD 250.14 millions which are scheduled for September 15, 2019.

Among the goals Ecuador has to complete, the most complicated one for the government will be the one related to the fiscal accounts, given that in march, when the agreement was signed, it was established that the breach or fiscal deficit should be USD 2.000 millionn. But according to Fausto Ortiz, finances former minister, the government should ask for a revision of this goal since its very likely that it won’t be fulfilled since according to the budget execution, the deficit has reached more than half of what its allowed as for July.

Nevertheless, throughout the years, the multilateral has showed itself flexible, for example, it allowed Ecuador to move slowly in its salary adjustment since the government agreed to reduce its public sector salaries in USD 500 millions in 2019 and USD 300 millions in 2020.



Evelyn Tapia (El Comercio)


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