Nominal GDP (USD millions): 108,398 (2018) 108,398 (2018)
Monthly Inflation: 0.09 (Ju-2019) 0.09 (Ju-2019)
Quarterly Urban Unemployment Rate: 5.57 (Jun-2019) 5.57 (jun-2019)
Monthly Reference Active Rate: 8.74 (Aug-2019) 8.74 (ago-2019)
Monthly Reference Passive Rate: 5.92 (Aug-2019) 5.92 (ago-2019)
Balance Trade Balance% Accumulated GDP: 0.10 (Jun-2019) 0.10 (jun-2019)
Public External Debt% Monthly GDP: 36.04 (Jun-2019) 36.04 (jun-2019)
Balance of the Internal Public Debt of the Central Government (USD million): 16,626.16 (Jun-2019) 16,626.16 (jun-2019)
Dow Jones Index: 26,135.79 (08-19-19) 25,479.42 (14-08-19)
Country Risk: 737 (08-18-19) 725 (14-08-19)
Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE)